As delegates to the Constitutional Convention for UAW Local 551 we will raise important issues aimed at greater transparency. UAW members have a right to know how their dues are spent. We have a right to know how those decisions are made.
As delegates to the Bargaining Convention we will insist on ending the abusive and divisive Temp and Tiers language in the next round of contract negotiations. We will fight for pensions and improvements for existing pensions. We demand COLA so our wages keep up with the cost of living. We demand that our compensation recognizes us as the essential workers we know we are.
Delegate Platform:
We must restore integrity, accountability, and transparency to the UAW. With One Member, One Vote, we can elect leadership who will represent our interests, not the interests of a corrupt caucus or the corporations. It is time for the seventy-year domination of the Administration Caucus to end.
The UAW has fought to establish equality and respect for ALL workers. No more long-term temporary or part-time workers; no more tiers. Parity of pensions and post-employment healthcare! Equal pay and equal benefits for equal work, in all UAW shops.
Forty years of trading concessions for job security has left us with fewer plants and jobs. We can reestablish COLA, regular pay increases, and local control over local issues, but we will need to FIGHT. A new leadership can prepare all UAW workers to fight back, and empower rank-and-file members to vote down concessionary contracts, as strikers at John Deere, Volvo, and Columbia University did in 2021.
UAW retirees have seen their pensions dwindle to poverty levels. We will unite the membership by fighting for retiree pension increases and by bringing back pensions for current workers.
We need a united membership to win strong contracts. Racism, sexism, and all forms of bigotry and oppression weaken our union and need to be eradicated from our workplaces. We also need solidarity with all workers’ struggles, from Starbucks to Amazon to workers around the globe.
To maintain our strength and ensure a just transition for autoworkers, the UAW must successfully organize new workplaces in the electric vehicles, battery, and related industries. The UAW’s failure to organize foreign-owned auto plants has weakened us and must be reversed.
Reverse the obscene 30% salary increase for International Officers approved in 2018; restore dues to two hours per month; and raise funds by organizing new members and raising pay. One Member, One Vote was only the beginning. We must further empower the membership of our local union.
When you elected Scott as a delegate to represent you at the Constitutional and Bargaining Conventions, he took that role seriously. He spoke publicly about our concerns regarding concessions and democratic reforms and transparency reforms at those gatherings. He voted against the dues increase. When higher wages are negotiated union income from dues automatically increased as well. Granting the increase let them off the hook for not negotiating better contracts. Granting the dues increase also let the International off the hook for raiding the strike fund. Through Constitutional Amendments, which they proposed, hundreds of millions of dollars were siphoned out of our strike fund and every single dollar (including earned interest) that was supposed to go to the strike fund was diverted out of it. The Administration Caucus, who has controlled our union for 70 years, created the crisis and wanted the members to bail them out. Constant concessionary contracts along with raiding our strike fund mercilessly are the reasons I voted against Bob King, Dennis Williams, and Gary Jones when each of them ran for President of the UAW. The current corruption scandal that they all were involved with proves my vote to have been the correct vote. Now that we won Direct Election for International Officers you will have the power to change the direction of our union! It's long past time for a change!
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